Date of report
- April 2024
- Believed to be the work of Iran's government.
Four Iranian nationals (Hossein Harooni, Reza Kazemifar, Komeil Baradaran Salmani, and Alireza Shafie Nasab) were members of a hacking organization from 2016 to 2021 that targeted U.S. companies and the Departments of Treasury and State. The group’s private-sector victims were mainly defense contractors with security clearance. Their primary techniques were spear phishing and social engineering.
Suspected victims
- U.S. Departments of Treasury and State, defense contractors, and two New York–based companies
Suspected state sponsor
- Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Type of incident
- Espionage
Target category
- Private sector
- Government
- Military
Victim government reaction
- Yes
Policy response
Suspected state sponsor response